Microsoft Ads: Accept Direct Manger Account Access

Direct Managers are accounts that aggregate access to sub accounts. Account aggregation can be helpful for two reasons:

  1. If you have multiple Microsoft Ads accounts, one for each site you manage, it can be helpful to centralize under a Direct Manager so that you can use one login to manage each site
  2. If you plan to allow an agency or other service provider to access your account, you can do so without sharing your username and password

1. Start at Microsoft Advertising and Sign In as the account being added to the Direct Manager Account.

2. Once logged in, select Account at the top, then select the Manager Account. This brings you to the Accounts page.

3. Select Accounts Summary

4. Select Requests. Make sure you are viewing the Received requests.

5. Select the Account, then select the Link to accounts.

6. Select Accept request

7. Select Approve.

Your Microsoft Ads account is now linked to a Direct Manager account.

Note: it can take up to 24 hours for the Microsoft user interface to show that your account has been updated, so please be patient